We produce 8bbl batches (~2000 pints) per brew day. We utilize the freshest ingredients we can source, and are constantly developing our processes to increase efficiency and quality.
Our quality standards are simple. If the beer is anything less than outstanding, we dump it and try again.
Our brewing team consists of engineers, college graduates, and graduate students seeking to further their knowledge of beer and the brewing industry. We work closely with the fermentation sciences program at WKU and have a steady stream of interns gaining practical knowledge in a real world setting.
Our main brewhouse consists of the following:
310 Gallon Electric Brew Kettle
400 Gallon Mash Tun
1000 Gallon Cold Liquor Tank
Two Rinnai Tankless Hot Water Heaters
Three 264 Gallon Primary Fermenters
Two 238 Gallon Brite Beer Tanks
We also have a two barrel system and a 1/2 barrel system for pilot (experimental) batches.